Friday, November 23, 2007

Can I call it Crap before I have even written it?

So I built a failure device into my plan. A failure device is that little thing we put into something we want to do that sabotages us and keeps us from accomplishing what we want. In this case I wanted to blog everyday and I had a list of things that would get me to blog and a few of those were pictures. That is fine but I do not have a digital camera to take pictures with. My wife does but she usually has it with her. So I wait to start my great plan until I have regular access to a digital camera.

As I was getting to write this another failure device started kicking in. My mind said "You don't have anything profound to say so whatever you are going to write about is going to be Crap. All those people who read your blog are going to think you're an idiot."
Ah an attack on my ego, well hear this mister EGO as far as I know there is only one person who even knows of the existence of this blog. So how many people are going to think I am an idiot? Maybe that one.

Sometimes I need to ignore perfection and just do the best I can. Not let failure stop me from living. Cause once you stop living, your dead, and I want to live forever.

Word for the day: Fear
The eggs in the pot
Hold my thoughts
More than the rhymes
In my mind
I hope you see
That's bad poetry


DvntWriter said...

Ah, those reasons to procrastinate and put off something we've promised faceless masses we would do... Is it crap before you've even written it? I think it would be better to ask: "is it crap before I have an audience besides myself?" I often want to post something I think is great/important. Then I look at other blogs and see really important things discussed (politics, etc.). I have finally reached the point that I don't care. I will write what I want and what I feel is important to me. Screw the world. And if I get someone who tells me my ideas/thoughts are crap - let them come! We shall argue. :-) I've always wanted some unknown person angry with me that I can insult, ignore at my discretion, and have long involved arguments with!

Josiah Luscher said...

What you say has worth. However, there is artistry in writing for an internet audience.

You can write about anything or nothing, and it may still be entertaining.

Good luck.